Terrance Pennyworth returns just in time for the holidays

Innovative Marine just released another episode from their distinguished gentleman featuring Terrance Pennyworth. According to Innovative Marine, he just returned from Southeast Asia where he was teaching a class on snake charming with King Cobras and popped by the studio…

Hands-on with the Gourmet Grinder fish food dispenser

Innovative Marine makes a lot of aquarium gadgets and accessories but we have to say, the Gourmet Grinder is one of our favorite releases in a long while. Clearly inspired by salt and pepper grinders for the human food table,…

Innovative Marine Gourmet Grazer will put your feeding clips out of work

The Innovative Marine Gourmet Grazer will put your feeding clips out of work. The simple design is an improved way to feed dried seaweed to your grazing fish that utilized a PVC snap lock package that many holes to secure…

Innovative Marine Gourmet Defroster thaws, separates and dispenses your frozen food

The Innovative Marine Gourmet Defroster is another product released in the company’s Gourmet Gadgets line today. The Gourmet Defroster is an ingenious 3-in-1 tool that thaws, separates and dispenses your frozen food. Made of cast acrylic, the defroster mounts to the…