Can You Believe this Gem Tang Survived?

Several weeks ago we peered into one of our reef tanks to notice that something was not quite right with one of our gem tangs. The medium sized Zebrasoma gemmatum specimen had been in our care for the better part of…

Fish Disease Symptoms Aren’t Always What They Seem

Most marine aquarium hobbyists keep a close eye on their fish for certain tell-tale signs of ill health. And that’s a good thing, since quick intervention in the case of fish disease can often be the difference between life and…

HLLE and the Activated Carbon Connection

Many different factors have been considered as possible causes of the disease known as Head and Lateral Line Erosion (HLLE)—a condition that typically causes disfiguring tissue erosion on the head and along the sensory lateral line of certain marine fishes.…

How to Beat Those Pacific Blue Tang Blues

Its common names include the Pacific blue tang, regal tang, hippo tang, palette surgeonfish, yellow-tail blue tang, and probably several others that presently elude me. Kids know it as the addle-brained Dory from Finding Nemo. Whatever common name you apply…

HLLE: New observations and suggestions for treatment

New information gathered from the public aquarium community aims to shed new light on the age old problem Head and Lateral Line Erosion, HLLE. Hole-in-the-head, as it it is also known, occurs most frequently in deep bodied marine and freshwater…