Sicce Launch Shark Internal Protein Skimmers

Sicce is no stranger to protein skimmer production. Its Syncra SK pumps are the beating heart of many leading skimmer models, as well as working closely with manufacturers such as Tunze, Red Sea, and Seachem on their own designs. But…

Turboflotor Blue 500 hands on and first impression

The Turboflotor Blue 500 from AquaMedic is a smaller internal protein skimmer that has a few things going for it: it’s small with a small footprint, it’s easy on the eyes and affordable but most important of all, it makes…

Hydor Slim Skim Prototype falls into the right hands

The Hydor Slim Skim internal protein skimmer is a highly anticipated reef aquarium filter product which we can’t wait to see become available. The Slim Skim was first showed off in the U.S. at the MAX show back in April…