In a feat that has been documented only once before, LiveAquaria’s resident pair of Mccullochi clownfish has spawned at their facility and the kinky couple did it all in front of a video camera. It was only last fall that…
LiveAquaria uploads rare fish hall of fame gallery to facebook
For those of you who missed some of the extremely rare fish that LiveAquaria has peddled in the last few months, LiveAquaria has just uploaded a rare fish hall of fame gallery to their facebook account. The notable entries include…
The “king of Coral” Kevin Kohen on Video
Kevin Kohen, the director of Live Aquaria, that nice aquaculture facility up in Rhinelander, Wisconsin got some face time with iVillage. What is iVillage? You’ll need to check out that later but Kevin got a “test” from one of the…
Juvenile Clarion Angelfish on “sale” for $2,999
If you have the inkling to purchase a ultra rare fish then you might want to head on over to Live Aquaria. They have aquired a very rare fish, the Juvenile Clarion Angelfish. They claim they have had it in…