Grube’s Gorgonian is a fast-growing and hardy new soft coral from ORA

Grube’s Gorgonian is a species of Pacific Pinnigorgia which is very rare in the hobby but it’s about to get a whole lot more available as frags from ORA. Grube’s Gorgonian (pronounced Grooba’s) has a long history of aquarium culture…

Juicy captive bred Amphiprion Mccullochi clownfish showed off by ORA

It’s been quite a while since we heard any news about the uber rare Mcculloch’s clownfish, Amphiprion mccullochi, but this weekend ORA treated visitors to their MACNA booth to some great looking small captive-bred specimens.Before the rare clownfish fanciers get…

ORA Red Planet table acro has grown a long way in five years

Without question, the ORA Red Planet table acro is one of the most widespread and popular strains of table Acropora that has ever been released by ORA, or anyone else for that matter. Seems like just yesterday we were ogling…

Black Snowflake clownfish coming soon from ORA

The Black Snowflake Clownfish is a new strain of ocellaris clownfish which ORA was originally aiming to produce when they came up with the black ice semi snowflake clownfish. The Black Ice Snowflake was created simply by crossing a snowflake…

ORA changes ownership, all else remains the same

Oceans Reefs & Aquariums has been shopping for a new owner for many years and as of this weekend ORA is now under new ownership. With the transfer of ownership comes no changes in management in either the Florida-based ORA…

Accidental clownfish hybrids abound at ORA

Hybrid clownfish mostly take a backseat to clownfish varieties in the marine aquarium captive breeding world but wild clownfish crosses like Thielli clownfish and white-cap clownfish are always in high demand. We tend to think of wild clownfish crosses as…

ORA releases new Montipora capricornis otherwise known as Pink Polyp Cap

The new ORA Pink Polyp Cap is another beautiful and trade-worthy coral added to the company’s offering. Just announced by ORA on Monday, the Pink Polyp Cap is an olive green colored Montipora capricornis with dark pink polyps. The nice contrast adds…

ORA releases new Sprung Stunner or Echinopora lamellosa

ORA has released a new coral that was named by the awesome reef building community. Sprung’s stunner is a “extremely fast growing Echinopora lamellosa that has a purple base and bright green polyps.” Like the name suggests, this coral was…

Fluorescent coral photoshoot goes down at ORA’s farm

Fluorescent corals are the primary reason that many of us got into the reefing hobby in the first place. Although we all strive to have daytime lights which show the fluorescence of corals under balanced lighting, there is no substitute…

ORA released Purple Undata, 1″ frags now available to the masses

ORA has released a new coral, called the ORA Purple Undata that is a encrusting or plating montipora. ORA continues: ” The polyps  of this coral are small, purple in color and lightly scattered between the  coenosteum ridges. The Purple…