Top 10 Best New Aquarium Products of InterZoo 2016

InterZoo 2016 was a huge event for new aquarium products, and we could have easily spent an additional week walking the halls, checking out all the new gear, and telling you all about it. This year more than ever saw some…

Rossmont Waver Review: A New Standard of Value in Propeller Pumps

Rossmont is a new company out of Italy that has been plugging away at making a new line of propeller pumps for aquariums. For the last couple of years, Rossmont has been happy to make no-frills but very modern-level propeller…

Rossmont Waver is poised to shake up reef aquarium water flow

The Rossmont Waver has finally been revealed in full detail and you can color us impressed. The Waver is so much more than a simple ‘wavemaker’ as it looks poised to shake up the current status quo of what controllable…

Rossmont Waver achieves great waves with AC Mover pumps

The Rossmont Waver is an interesting water pump control device specially designed to work with Rossmont Mover water pumps. What is interesting about is that while all controllable propeller pumps use direct current (DC), Rossmont has figured out a way to…

First look at the intriguing new Rossmont Waver aquarium controller

The Rossmont Waver is an interesting new aquarium pump controller which is the first to be able to adjust the flow speed of AC pumps and powerheads. Until now, if you wanted to have controllable water pumps, your only real…

Rossmont Waver AC pump controller teased in new video

The Rossmont Waver is a new device being teased beginning today by the upstart Italian company. With the Mover and Mover MX series of low-profile water pumps, Rossmont became the first new aquarium water pump company to introduce completely new…