Gaudy, variegated jawbreaker-style mushroom anemone

Off-the-hook mushroom alert! This incredible Discosoma mushroom anemone just popped up from Pacific East Aquaculture. Dr. Mac was in Indonesia hand picking corals and he selected this beautiful mushroom anemone. The carefully cropped photo shows just one, and probably the nicest polyp on…

“Eclectus” mushroom anemone takes Jawbreaker shrooms to a whole new level

The Jawbreaker mushroom is the strain of ‘Discosoma’ which single handedly showed us that mushroom anemones could be a striking aquarium animal and that Corallimorphs have plenty of strains worth collecting. The new Eclectus mushrooms from Bali aquarium raise the bar once…

Skullcandy mushroom anemone raises the bar for incredible Discosoma

If you needed any indication that mushroom anemones still have a lot to offer reef aquarists in terms of amazing color and pattern, you need look no further than Cherry Coral’s exciting Skullcandy Discosoma shrooms. At first glance the Skullcandy shrooms…

Jawbreaker mushroom anemone is the most incredible captive strain of Corallimorph

The Jawbreaker mushroom anemone is a corallimorph that has persisted as a desirable aquarium species in the American reef scene and is still highly sought after by collectors of brightly colored corals. If someone had told us 15 years ago that…