Heading to the Solomon Islands to find all the corals & fish

There’s something utterly surreal about being in Fiji as we write this, not at the final destination, but having a layover to even more exotic corals and genera coral reef diversity. We are headed to Honiara, Solomon Islands with a small…

Wild Morse Code Maroon imported from Solomon Islands

Since 2010, in fish breeding circles the name ‘Morse Code’, which was first applied to a singular fish, has come to represent White Stripe Maroon Clownfish who display extra spots and bars, in some respects similar to the extra spots…

Solomon Reefs: get to know the reef life of the Coral Triangle

The corals and reef life of the Solomon Islands was once a bastion of aquarium harvesting activity where coral farming was pioneered and where our first really nice true percula clownfish came from. While we still have commercial aquarium activity in the…

Remarkable Galaxea colony corallites and polyps filmed in the wild

Not sure what is going on with this unusual looking colony of Galaxea, but we’re glad that Bruce Carlson took the time to film it. Unlike the typical Galaxea fascicularis that we see in the aquarium trade, this Galaxea colony has extremely long…

Coral Reefs Damaged from recent 8.0 Earthquake in the Solomon Islands

In the Solomon islands, coral reefs were heavily damaged from a recent 8.0 scale earthquake in the region. In an instant, the grinding of the Earth’s tectonic plates in the 8.0 magnitude earthquake Monday forced the island of Ranongga up…