Captive Bred Target Mandarins at ReefStock Australia

From the very beginning we developed and produced the Australian flavor of ReefStock to be a showcase of Australia’s best corals. We especially wanted to accelerate Australia’s reef scene to adopt coral fragging and propagation but this year we were…

Shocker: ORA Spotted Mandarin Gobies selling out

  When ORA dropped the bomb that they would begin selling captive breed Spotted Mandarin Gobies it was a big deal in the industry. These fish which are highly desirable are usually expensive for wild caught specimens and aren’t the…

ORA captive raised Spotted Mandarins go on sale

The first batch of captive bred ORA Spotted Mandarins is being released and should be soon be available for purchase from your favorite Oceans, Reefs and Aquariums (ORA) merchant. Synchiropus picturatus is one of the jewels of the marine aquarium trade…