Why you should ICP test RO water

For us, one of the biggest benefits that ICP testing brought to the reefing hobby was not just the ability to test your aquarium’s saltwater, it was the ability to test the source water too, the pure, freshwater we use…

Neptune Systems Trident Finally Went on Sale This Week

The Neptune Systems Trident is an ambitious new product finally released this week to great fanfare and anticipation. Neptune Systems has a history of aiming for grandiose visions of fully automated reef tanks, and the Trident is the culmination of…

Xepta AutoBalance Automatically Measures AND Doses Ca, Mg & Alkalinity

Auto Balance is a new automatic water testing & dosing machine from a company called Xepta. We’ve never heard of Xepta before but they have a full range of additives with a strong emphasis on achieving proper ratios of reef…