Reefing from Afar, Part 1: The Six “Ps”

There comes a time in every reef fanatic’s life where little things like work and vacation travel get in the way of enjoying the hobby. While being away for just a week, I have gone through everything from little disasters,…

Destination De Jong

There are a handful of fish and coral powerhouses spread around the world in isolation, each with their special niche and prowess responsible for procuring some of the hobby’s most sought after. Most recently on our little tour of Europe,…

Opulent Osaka Part 4: A BlueHarbor tribute, and the man behind the brand

We’ve come to our last and final installation of our four part Osaka travelogue. If you’ve been following parts 1, 2 and 3, we hope you’ve enjoyed it, and thank you for exploring some of Osaka’s most opulent reef keepers…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Aurora, goddess of dawn and depth

Bridging the gap between our previous Osaka recount and the next is this feature on the one and only Liopropoma aurora. Previously in Dr. Shimokobe’s collection, we caught a glimpse of this species being housed in his deepwater set up.…

Opulent Osaka part 3: Dr. Shimokobe’s deluge of deepwater treasures

We’ve arrived at our third installation of our Osaka recount and if you’re still following, then thank you, and we hope you’ve enjoyed parts 1 and 2. We visited one of our favourite aquarist in Osaka, and we’ve featured his…

Opulent Osaka Part 2: Yuma Yasuda’s Odontanthias katayamai filmed and photographed in stunning HD

If you’re still reading and following on our Osaka updates, then welcome to part two of four! In our previous installation we visited Mr. Makoto Matsuoka and took a look at some of his rare butterflyfish collection. This time we’re…

Opulent Osaka Part 1: Makoto Matsuoka’s decade old Prognathodes collection

We just got back from a three day trip to Osaka and if you’re a fish lover, you’re going to want to keep your eyes peeled and attention focused on this page for the next week at least. Japan as…

Reef Builders x Cairns Marine: A visit to the facility

If you’ve been following our recent posts and our Facebook updates judiciously, you’d know that we had the greatest pleasure of visiting Cairns Marine and their wonderful team just a few weeks back. Apart from touring the facility and seeing how…

Face-to-face with the hyper rare tiger angelfish in nature and the aquarium

Any of the rare fish fanciers out there who’ve kept up with some of my writings know that I have a sort of infatuation with South Africa’s endemic tiger angelfish, Apolemichthys kingi. So, when I got the invitation to come to…