The AI Wave Beam LED lighting tubes are a very exciting new supplemental LED lighting from the company which has so far focused on a core, high performance LED light. The AquaIllumination light is one of the most elegantly built and designed fixtures available to the reef aquarist and with the new AI Wave Beam LED t00b, we will have all the same expectations. Each of the 12″ AI Beam LED tubes will be slightly larger than a T5 fluorescent with 6 XP LEDs, which will be available in blue, royal blue, white and combinations thereof. The AI Wave Beam LED will consume roughly 8 watts give or take a little depending on the color of the AI Beam and they will be linkable end to end with waterproof, twist-lock connectors that adhere closely to the IP66 standard. Up to 6 AI Wave Beam LEDs will be able to connect for a 6 foot length of t00b which will be dimmable with an external accessory that should be compatible with any 0-10V analog dimming controller (Neptune, GHL, Digital Aquatics, etc). No word on pricing for the AI Beam but it is tentatively scheduled to become available in late summer to early fall timeframe.