The peppermint angelfish, Paracentyropyge boylei, is by far the apex of holy grail reef fish in the aquarium hobby. To this day only one specimen is known to be alive in captivity, under the care of a Japanese aquarist. Another live peppermint angelfish has made its way to Waikiki aquarium where it is currently isolated in a quarantine tank, acclimating to captivity, seemingly enjoying its 70F water and picking at food a little bit.
We are told that the Peppermint Angelfish was collected by Rich Pyle of deep diving and rare fish collecting fame. Since Pyle was just in Moorea where he filmed Pseudanthias privitera we have to wonder if the Peppermint Angelfish was also collected there. In any case, hopefully this beautifull demi-god aquarium fish acclimates to life in captivity so that it can be put on display at the Waikiki Aquarium where many can enjoy it.