Do you like albino clownfish? First time clownfish breeder and MOFIB member Marcel was incredulous to find that one of his first successfully raised batches of clownfish contained about 20-30 albino Ocellaris clownfish in a clutch of ~300 fry. Marcel hasn’t specified the exact age of the clutch but guessing that the fry have all metamorphosed and are starting to look like normal clownfish we’d peg them at about 60 days old in the photo. The albino fry have the classic red eyes of true albinism and they are getting nicer and nicer as they age; it will be fascinating to see what these fish look like as they approach adulthood. The Albinos currently reside in South Africa where they were produced but we hope that they will be widely distributed to clownfish breeders around the world. The story starts in this MOFIB thread and we’ll stay on top of the progress of the albino Ocellaris clownfish as the story continues. Hit the read link for a few more pics of the world’s first albino clownfish.
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