Can You Make It as a Fish Breeder?

Probably, but few want to after realizing how much time it takes. Most hobbyists know nearly all clownfish sold are captive-bred. You may wonder what it takes to do it yourself. Your favorite fish store certainly has lots and while…

Clownfish mucus composition changes during host anemone symbiosis

A recent scientific paper has confirmed what many people thought all along, that Clownfish can survive the sting from host anemones because of something in their mucus. But up until now, there has been very little molecular evidence to support…

Clownfish Stripes Determine Confrontation and Aggression Levels

A research article published in the Journal of Experimental Biology has found that Clownfish can count the number of bars on their congeners and conspecifics, determining their level of aggression toward them, and their host defense.  The paper authored by…

14 of our favorite featured fish from 2022

Cast your eyes over our pick of the hottest fish to make the Reef Builders news in 2022.

The Tailless fish of Jave Marine

As we scrolled our social media news feeds this week we couldn’t help but notice the penchant for tailless saltwater fish shown by Indonesian livestock collector CV Java Marine Group. We have documented many tailless fish over the years and…

Shrinking tank bred clownfish makes them more difficult to keep

If you’ve been shopping for new clownfish lately you may have noticed their small size. Due to global economic factors, the hobby’s biggest selling fish – the tank-bred Common Clownfish – is being sold in smaller and smaller sizes, and…

Amphiprion omanensis, the Rare Oman Clownfish Arrives at De Jong Marinelife

Amphiprion omanensis is one of the rarest bonafide species of clownfish which has yet to make any kind of real appearance in the broader aquarium world. Like many other lesser known species the Oman clownfish has a limited natural distribution…

Parade of Pure Perfect Wild Clownfish from Papua New Guinea

We’ve been excited to see new fish and corals coming out of Papua New Guinea for nearly three years and at long last the day has finally come, at least in terms of the fish. Being in the heart of…

Breeding the Wide Band Anemonefish at De Jong Marinelife

The wide band anemonefish, Amphiprion latezonatus, is a rare clownfish which is endemic to a limited range in Australia. Beside the wide white bars, ‘Latz’ clownfish are also recognizable by their beautiful blue lips. This species is often found in…

OATA Fishing for Facts report is packed full of positive marine trade stats

All reefkeepers have a wobble now and again and wonder about the impact their hobby has on the environment. But the UK’s Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association has painstakingly assembled fact-based data that’s going to make everyone selling fish and keeping…