So many rare and unusual corals that are infrequently seen in the trade make up a small percentage of all corals which are harvested for the ornamental coral trade. With that premise, LiveAquaria’s ability to handle a huge number of coral specimens means that their coral farm is a treasure trove of unique wild and captive raised corals. We’d be impressed to find any two of these corals in an average LFS so you can imagine our confusion after spending 48 hrs looking at some of Rhinelander’ best corals. The pipe organ coral in the image above has a very unique form that had no pinnules, a green polyp which is bordered by a brilliant white edge. Follow the break to view just a small sampling of what other corals were greatly fancied this weekend.
An amazing Australian Goniastrea, those dark corallite rims made this coral an unbelievable eye-popper
This Montipora species has an incredible glow with strongly developed nodules
Acropora walindii has just started to show up in maricultured Acros: LiveAquaria already had a couple specimens of the newly available species which resembles Acropora horrida but with a more ‘twiggy’ appearance.This specimen was much more purple than this picture shows.
This large corallite Echinophyllia was well textured and much bluer color than many “blue” Echinos.
This Balanophyllia bairdiana corallite is completely closed up but it hides a treasure of clear tentacles which bloom every night.