The Center for Biological Diversity recently prepared and filed a scientific petition to have 83 coral species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. The petition, filed on October 20, 2009, looks to use the powers of the Endangered Species Act to protect these corals identified as most the most vulnerable in U.S. waters.
Many of these corals have suffered greatly with over 30 percent loss in the last 30 years with increased ocean temperatures and CO2 levels contributing the danger of catastrophic and potentially unrecoverable mass bleaching. Recognizable corals available in the hobby include on the list are the ever-popular Flowerpot coral (Alveopora allingi), branching frogspawn (Euphyllia paradivisa), and 22 types of Acropora, to name a few.
As hobbyists we often pay close attention to the promotion of propagated and tank-raised corals but the additional of these corals to the Endangered Species list could make it harder for the import of these specific corals from non U.S.-protected waters.
This makes it even more important to do our part to keep these corals thriving within the hobby through education and promotion of coral propagation techniques. Will also be interesting to see what impact this may have on CITES legislation and other programs such as Indonesia’s coral quotas and Papau New Guinea’s SEASMART program. Complete list of all 83 corals listed on this petition after the break.
- Acanthastrea brevis
- Acanthastrea hemprichii
- Acanthastrea ishigakiensis
- Acanthastrea regularis
- Acropora aculeus
- Acropora acuminata
- Acropora aspera
- Acropora dendrum
- Acropora donei
- Acropora globiceps
- Acropora horrida
- Acropora jacquelineae
- Acropora listeri
- Acropora lokani
- Acropora microclados
- Acropora palmerae
- Acropora paniculata
- Acropora pharaonis
- Acropora polystoma
- Acropora retusa
- Acropora rudis
- Acropora speciosa
- Acropora striata
- Acropora tenella
- Acropora vaughani
- Acropora verweyi
- Agaricia lamarcki
- Alveopora allingi
- Alveopora fenestrata
- Alveopora verrilliana
- Anacropora puertogalerae
- Anacropora spinosa
- Astreopora cucullata
- Barabattoia laddi
- Caulastrea echinulata
- Cyphastrea agassizi
- Cyphastrea ocellina
- Dendrogyra cylindrus
- Dichocoenia stokesii
- Euphyllia cristata
- Euphyllia paraancora
- Euphyllia paradivisa
- Galaxea astreata
- Heliopora coerulea
- Isopora crateriformis
- Isopora cuneata
- Leptoseris incrustans
- Leptoseris yabei
- Millepora foveolata
- Millepora tuberosa
- Montastraea annularis
- Montastraea faveolata
- Montastraea franksi
- Montipora angulata
- Montipora australiensis
- Montipora calcarea
- Montipora caliculata
- Montipora dilatata
- Montipora flabellata
- Montipora lobulata
- Montipora patula
- Mycetophyllia ferox
- Oculina varicosa
- Pachyseris rugosa
- Pavona bipartita
- Pavona cactus
- Pavona decussata
- Pavona diffluens
- Pavona venosa
- Pectinia alcicornis
- Physogyra lichtensteini
- Pocillopora danae
- Pocillopora elegans
- Porites horizontalata
- Porites napopora
- Porites nigrescens
- Porites pukoensis
- Psammocora stellata
- Seriatopora aculeata
- Turbinaria mesenterina
- Turbinaria peltata
- Turbinaria reniformis
- Turbinaria stellula