The Marinelife Aquarium Society of Michigan, MASM, has officially kicked off their innovative Breeding Initiative with their first Breeders Challenge. If you have been looking for an excuse to get into breeding marine ornamentals, this is the program you have been waiting for. Not only have Matt Wittenrich, author of “The Complete Illustrated Breeder’s Guide to Marine Aquarium Fishes†and Matt Pedersen, MASNA’s 2009 Hobbyist of the Year and IMAC’s 2009 Hobbyist of the year, been lined up as MBI advisors to help breeders throughout the Initiative, but they will also be part of a breeders workshop in March 2010 hosted by MASM. You don’t need to be a member of MASM to participate, but you’ll need to keep a breeding journal on the MASM site, and the Initiative includes marine fish and inverts that propagate via sexual reproduction. There are 4 classes of breeding animals based on how difficult they are to breed ‘A’ being the easiest, ‘D’ being the hardest. Points will be given to participants achieving breeding milestones including spawning, hatching, metamorphosis and 60 days post metamorphosis and various awards will be awarded for successes. This MBI Breeders Challenge runs from November 1, 2009 to December 31st 2010, so click here and start breeding!
MASM Breeding Initiative calling all fish breeders to arms

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