The December issue of Advanced Aquarist is out and with it are PDF issues of past magazines up-to-date through October’s issue. In the last issue of 2009, Terry leads off with an editorial revisiting the dreaded “old tank syndrome” that dovetails nicely into Dana Riddle’s article on the effects observed before and after two monthly water exchanges and discussion the results’ implications–good reading for the starting hobbyist as well as the salty dog vets. James Fatherree has a really nice general overview on surgeonfish for anyone looking to add one of these wondrous fish into their systems. Tackling a hard topic, Jay Hemdal does a great job discussing aquarium fish mortality. As Jay point out unless you constantly monitor the mortality rates of the animals under your care, you have no way of knowing if your husbandry skills are improving and the article reinforces the idea that taking animals from the wild and holding them in captivity carries with it an important responsibility. Our own Jake Adams explores the crystal shrimp explosion in the freshwater side of the hobby. These small ornamental shrimp add some unexpected flair in planted tank environments creating a whole new sub-hobby. Finally, the issue closes with a video podcast with Gary Lindner and Russ Kikel at bring Part II of how SECORE (SExual COral REproduction) is having success with reproduction of Acropora palmata.
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