Last month we asked to submit your reefing haiku or limerick for a chance to win a Tunze Nano RO Station and the entries were so good, we’ve been debating for over a week on which one is the best. In the end we couldn’t decide on just one, so we decided to award a Tunze Nano RO Station to what we felt was the best haiku and the best limerick. While the limericks and poems easily made us laugh we thought the technical nature of putting together a decent haiku is a bit tougher and should be rewarded as well. So without further ado, here are your winners. We’ll be following up with the winners via email, so please check your inbox and get us your address so we can ship the prizes out.
WINNER! Best Reefing Haiku
Great work on this one Casey! We really appreciated sticking to the spirit of a haiku and mixing in a bit of comic relief. We’ve all probably been in this situation before where our eyes are bigger than our wallets!
WINNER! Best Reefing Poem or Limerick
This was really a tough one and we went back-and-forth many times and finally settled on this great submission from “dcombs44.” It has a great cadence and mixing in nods to both Tunze and Reef Builders probably did earn him bonus points but at the end of the day, we just really liked it!
Best Reef Haiku Runner Up
Another great haiku from SpaceToFu that just missed out on the prize. We could easily have picked either for the winning prize and there were a few other really strong ones that caught our attention. It was really hard to chose just one and we appreciate the attention to detail all our haikus had shown.
Best Reefing Poem or Limerick Runner Up
Another great one here that we found JUST as amusing as the real story behind Jake’s signed Peppermint Angel action figure! Great work on this one even if Jake doesn’t think he’s freakishly tall.