[youtube width=”670″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1-YLciao2M[/youtube]
The black tang, Zebrasoma rostratum, is not an extremely rare fish here in the United States, but there’s a perfectly good reason why we haven’t bothered to shoot a video of one so far. Most captive aquarium specimens either show the slightest bit of ich, they have head or lateral line erosion or have been scarred from it, or they might just be super jumbo adults with that weird elongated body and a snout which has outgrown the outline of the body.We were lucky to catch up with this perfect quality black tang with no scarring and not a single spot of parasites.
Our last stop on the last UK trip was to visit the 600 gallon home reef of Kevin Douglas and it was a cornucopia of the healthiest reef fish we’ve seen in a long time. Every single one of Kevin’s fish are extremely vibrant, the black tang may be the subject of this video but all the other tangs, angels and smaller fish are the pinnacle of health. Just look at the buttercup-golden color of that lemonpeel angelfish compare to the flat yellow of the great looking yellow tangs. We could have filmed anyone of these fine quality fish but jumped at the opportunity of sharing this perfect black tang for you all. Sincere thanks to Kevin for letting us make an evening visit to his reef fish population.