Five ways Nano Reefs are changing the way we do reef tanks

Yesterday, some hobbyist blogs began a series of posts about nano reef aquariums. Inspired by the beginning of meme on nano reef tanks, we decided to follow suite and write about what we feel are the most important effects nano…

Adjust-A-Wings: an adjustable halide reflector for fine adjustments of intensity and spread

With so much action going on in the LED lighting realm, it is refreshing to see a product as novel as the Adjust-A-Wings for metal halide and high pressure sodium lamps. The premise is simple, two sheets of thin aluminium…

iQuatics metal halide bulbs are ridiculously cheap

A company out of the United Kingdom, called iQuatics is selling metal halide bulbs for cheap. They offer 70 watt versions in either 10, 14, 20, or 30k for only £9.99. 70 Watt not your thing? Don’t worry. They have…

Hybrid glass and acrylic aquariums from AGE

We all know the problems associated with choosing glass or acrylic when designing a large tank.  The benefits of acrylic are the inherent light weight and ease of drilling, for including those all-important closed loops.  The down side is that…

V2ozone from TMC gets outed in the UK

The V2Ozone is a compact O3 generator from Tropical Marine Centre which aims to bring this once widely popular water treatment method back into the mainstream. Adding O3 to aquarium water with ozone generators raises oxidizing levels (ORP), thus helping…

“Ocean Currents” Trademark up for sale on eBay

We know, we know. You’re one of those people looking for a Ocean Current type trademark for your product and/or service. As it turns out though you might have great success if you were to search eBay for an aquarium…

ZeoMatic 2 from Fauna Marin captured on video

Do you remember that  Zeomatic 2 we showed you not to long ago? To refresh your memory it  features a self cleaning system with both water and air cleaning.  Plus, you won’t need an extra air pump as the reactor…

Frag swaps, regional club events a great way to bring reefers together

Frag swaps and other regional reef club events are a great way to bring together local reefers from a variety of clubs all in the name of sharing the passion for our incredible hobby. This weekend, the Bay Area Reefers…

Two Times Five Equals Success! Learn to Love your Siphon Hose

Since our “infant days” in the hobby, we’ve had it drilled into our collective heads to perform regular water changes on our aquariums. It’s one of those “facts of life” that we just can’t avoid. Water changes achieve several valuable…

Take a spin with nifty DIY horizontal Zeo reactor

We love seeing ingenious and interesting DIY designs possibly even more than some of the great new products we come across daily and this DIY horizontal Zeovit reactor from Sweden definitely gets our DIY juices flowing. This is a fine…