With the growing popularity in Azoox corals, it will only be a matter of time before the deepwater coral genus Flabellum lands on the radar of this new push into dark reef keeping. Flabellum species are large, fleshy solitary stony corals that live unattached and come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. They can be anywhere from completely round, to flattened axially, some are conical and others have extremely exert septa like a Physogyra bubble coral.
Although Flabellum corals are closely related to the familiar Rhizotrochus corals, the coloration of Flabellum is not quite as colorful as some Rhizos. From what we can gather from the limited information on Flabellum corals, these species are most often found in cooler water, whether this is shallow water at high latitudes or deeper water nearer to the equator. We’re not sure if Flabellum occurs in areas of the world where they could be legally and sustainably collected for Azoox coral enthusiasts, but in the meantime we are content to admire them from a distance.