The Ponape Birdsnest is a strain of Seriatopora which has been an iconic coral in the American reef aquarium hobby since 2003. Like the purple monster Acropora and the sunset Montipora, the Ponape Birdnest coral is one of those coral strains which owes at least some of it’s notoriety and propagation history to the “Limited Edition Coral” movement of the early 2000s.
What makes the Ponape birdsnest coral unique is that it’s one of the only pink-tipped-green Seriatopora in captive culture and unlike some of the LE coral strains, the Ponape birdnest is actually a fairly fast growing coral.Furthermore, the Ponape Birdnest has such an unusual growth form from the typical S. hystrix that is could be a different species like Seriatopora dentritica or S. aculeata. Today ORA announced that it will now be offering the classic Ponape Birdnest coral which means that this coral strain is now going to be shipping all over North America right alongside the historic Stuber Acropora. For more information on the history of the Ponape Birdnest coral visit the Reef Farmers webpage where this singular Seriatopora coral strain was introduced.