The Cobra internal power filter is a new redesign to the widely used Duetto power filter, the same mini filter used in Ecoreef One. The Cobra is so named because of it’s articulating output which can twist and turn to direct flow in just about any direction from the main body, and the main outlet also features additional directivity and flow control at the very top. Perhaps the most exciting feature for marine aquarists is the included and removable surface skimming ‘snorkel’ which allows the Cobra to filter the wastes that build up on the surface of the water, a frequent problem in nano reefs using only a little power filter.
The coup-de-grace for the Cobra is an extremely efficient internal motor which now only uses 2.6 watts of power in exchange for up to 50 gallons per hour of filtration. Alas, the new Cobra internal filter was designed and is being built by Aquarium Systems France so the only models currently being produced have a European style plug and requires 220 volts. Marineland and Aquarium Systems France are not exactly BFF’s so we doubt that American Duettos will get these performance and efficiency upgrades but we can only hope.