The DC Mini Red Dragon 5000 is another newly unveiled water pump from Royal Exclusiv. Borrowing from the engineering and design of the RD3 4500, the DC Red Dragon 5000 is also based on a brushless DC motor with very high RPMs and all German made construction. Like the RD3 4500, the DC Mini Red Dragon 5000 is extremely quiet even though it still pushes over 5000 liters per hour at one meter of pressure (1320 GPH @ 3.3 feet).
The main external difference between the RD3 4500 and the Mini Red Dragon 5000 is the use of a circular volute and faceplate in the RD3 and a square one with rounded corners in the DC Mini Red Dragon. Functionally speaking, the DC Mini Red Dragon 5000 has an external controller for adjusting the high efficiency brushless DC motor which really rocks the flow curve for pressures of less than one meter, after which point the water volume output is susbtantially less than the fixed flowrate RD3 4500. The variable speed DC Mini Red Dragon 5000 will come in a protein skimmer model for higher end protein skimmers from Royal Exclusiv and Vertex. The Red Dragon Mini 5000 DC will be available towards the end of July for the introductory price of 499 Euros or about US$715.