Those of you with all-in-one nano tanks or tight, compact refugiums have probably scratched your head when trying to find a nice and simple way to light your fuge. inTank has a nifty little solution with a submersible, low watt refugium light that lets you drop the bulb right into your refugium and go. The tiny halogen light packs 10W of power but produces low heat and is being marketed as the answer for getting a nicely lit fuge in a small space like a nano reef. Most all-in-one nano either have the need to scrape off the vinyl backing or once you decide to add a fuge, find it is often to close to the wall to add a light in the back. With the inTank submersible fuge light, you just drop it in and it is powerful enough to grow macro algae in your rear chamber. It is also a good solution for a HOB fuge like the inTank Aquaclear or inTank Aquaclear media baskets.
They also work in a smaller sump or anywhere that you can not get light from the rear. The light itself is just over 2 1/2 in. long and 1/2 in. in diameter. It comes with an 8 ft. cord giving you plenty of room to work around your system. The light itself is all low-voltage DC and the bulbs are replaceable. The light is manufactured by Fountain Pro in Wisconsin and are available on the inTank website for $18.99.