RalfP’s reef aquarium is totally dope on so many levels it’s hard to know where to begin describing it. Huge mature coral colonies are creatively positioned together with large giant clams and plenty of open space in between that it really looks like a perfect slice of healthy coral reef.
The exceptional size and health of the corals completely supersedes whether or not these corals are rare or ‘limited edition’. The wave action also helps to contrast the excellent diversity of soft and stony corals in this aquarium.
Even the fish selection features some prime specimens including a magnificent foxface, regal angelfish, a pair of multibar angelfish and really really good looking surgeonfish. Another cool aspect of RalfP’s aquarium is the world class results achieved using conventional metal halide and T5 lighting but not a lick of LED. RalfP’s aquarium is an awesome reminder that no matter how much we’re all indulging in the LED KoolAid, most of the awesome large reef displays of the day still use mostly lamps and tubes to great effect.