The Denistar from Coral-Shop and Coral Planet is an interesting new spin on biological filtration that enhances biological filtration using the principles of a kreizel aquarium, sort of. Whereas the typical biological reactor forces water through media and a biopellet reactor keeps media fluidized, the Coral Shop Denistar gyrates water and biological media around the main water outlet, keeping biological media in suspension and very gently tumbling.
The Denistar is not a biopellet reactor though, it is designed to be used with ANN 9505 BioCat, a catalyst which enhances biological filtration throughout the entire aquarium. The diminutive Denistar is much smaller than it looks in pictures, and it can fit inside most sumps and probably even in the back chamber of some large All In One reef aquariums.
The biology going on inside the Denistar can be turbocharged by supplying a bacteria food/energy source by dosing CS NitraClean in a special dosing port. The Denistar is a very unique product which doesn’t directly translate to products we currently use in our aquaria, but it seems like systems with high bioload could definitely benefit from the enhanced denitrification provided by the Denistar, and the biocatalyst inside it.