The Futura by Giesemann takes the same basic design of the LED boards found in the Teszla LED and links them up internally via bluetooth. The large flat pane of LEDs that make up the Giesemann Futura are activel cooled and designed to be either suspended or mounted right on to the aquarium. Better yet, the Futura LED will be remote controlled by a sexy tablet or smartphone app., although so far tjis is just shows using an Android tablet.
These pictures of the Futura are all we have to go on so far, be we expect that in some ways the Futura LED will ne similar to the Teszla, but wayyy bigger. Only one size is curently shown but we expect that at least a couple sizes of the Futura will be developed and released in the future. Some other predictable features which are not mentioned is full dimming and brightness control, moonlighting and maybe even some cloud cover. Perhaps the biggest differentiator of the Giesemann Futura LED is that it will be one of the few LED light fixtures to use all Philips Rebel LEDs, alongside the Vertex Illumina and the NanoBox Reef. We’ll know a lot more when the InterZoo 2012 conference begins on Thursday.