Schieferberg, a new Switzerland based company has come roaring onto the aquarium scene. Schieferberg was founded in late December 2011, the founding owner ran an aquarium shop for the past several years and decided to take matters in his own hands with reef aquarium design. All of the products are designed and produced in Switzerland—the source for famous pieces of keeping time.
The company makes full service setups including aquarium, stand and lighting with you just left to decide what livestock you have a particular interest in. We have been informed by Schieferberg that their products will begin shipping in late September or early October of 2012—mainly  due to them ramping to production levels with the upcoming demand.
The coolest thing on display is a built in controller on the side of their sleek stands. The controller is touch controlled allowing you to use your fingers as a point of control. Each color is split out into a channel that allows you to increase or decrease the power or if you prefer you can even change the program altogether.
Because these products are all made by hand in Switzerland the price will not come cheap. A full setup aquarium in the range of 275 liters will set you back a cool 3,600 euro. Granted one could argue that your lighting, stand and filtration needs have been taken care of by Swiss engineers.