Rod’s awesome reef is an anthias-populated, sunlit, LED-supplemented, Gyre-dominated coral aquarium with massive SPS colonies. On paper, an aquarium like this really doesn’t get any better, not even to mention the location of the reef. With all the extremely strict import laws Australia has in place, we have some serious respect for Rod’s success with his reef. The system measures 96”x28″x28″ (182cm x 70cm x 70cm) which amounts to a total volume of around 235 gallons or 890 liters. Rod’s Reef is illuminated by three solar tubes along with three OEM LED fixtures and a DE Lightings T5 unit with ATI Blue Plus, ATI Pro Color, KZ Fiji Purple and ATI Actinic bulbs. Keep reading for a lot more pictures of this beautiful Australian reef.
The above mentoined gyre flow is achieved by the use of two Pan World 150PS-MD55R with Penductors (20,000lph each) which alternate every three hours. Two iwasaki pumps provide additional wave action, and a Eheim 1260 serves as return. Water parameters are kept in check by two Bubble Magus dosing pumps which dose Calcium Chloride, Bi-Carb, Magnesium Chloride, Strontium Chloride, Potassium Chloride and Red Sea’s Iron & Iodine to the system. A Reef Octopus NW 200 keeps the water crystal clear and an ATJ’s DIY system serves as a backup in case of power outages.
More information and even more pictures can be found on Rod’s build thread.
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