Tridacna gigas is the giant clam of this remarkable group of molluscs, and one of the fastest and largest growing clam species. One particular Tridacna gigas clam has been living at the Waikiki Aquarium since bell bottoms were in style and since Bruce Carlson had mutton chops. If you thought that the forty year old sixbar angelfish from the Nancy Aquarium in Nice France is old, this giant clam is up there with it as far as aquarium longevity records go.
This cool video montage shows a collection of news reports about the Tridacna gigas clam that made a big splash when it first arrived at the Waikiki aquarium and continues to impress. Although the Waikiki’s Gigas clam is “only” 30 years old in captivity (plus a little bit before it got to Hawaii), with good conditions and barring any unforeseen damage or disease the jumbo gigas clam could live up to 100 years. Can you imagine what the world will be like, what aquariums will be like in 2072?