When we first got wind of Gerald Heslinga’s new book on giant clams, Saving Giants was an obligatory download to our iPad ebook collection; the giant clam authority and IPSF frontman knows a thing or two about Tridacnids. Little did we know that Saving Giants would deliver instant satisfaction with an abundance of information since Giant Clams in the Sea and the Aquarium.
Where Fatheree’s Giant Clams serves as a great update about the current known biology and ecology of giant clams, Heslinga’s Saving Giants is a broader reference guide. Saving Giants is packed with a wealth of uncommon knowledge of giant clams, their care, culture, history in captivity, their role in the world and so much more.
Although Heslinga doesn’t dive into the different species of giant clams on a granular level, the play-by-play of giant clams all over the world does cover the relative importance of different species especially as it relates to aquaculture and mariculture. This last detail is precisely what makes Saving Giants a really compelling book, as it pertains most intimately to the keeping of giant clams in closed man made systems, the way most of us get to enjoy them.
The great imagery of Saving Giants makes it a really enjoyable read on an iPad, currently the only supported format as far as we know. For just $6.99 and the instant download if you are a fan of giant clams in any way shape or form you will thoroughly like this book. [Blurb]