the Avast ATO auto top off peristaltic pump was just introduced about tow months ago but already they’ve gone ahead and supersized its capabilities. The Avast ATO Deluxe now also includes digital input for all your favorite controllers.
The Avast ATO Deluxe I/O now ships with cables to interface with everything from the most popular to the open source and DIY controllers. The Apex, Aquacontroller, ReefKeeper Elite & RK Lite, Profilux, Reef Angel and bare wires are available, selectable from a drop down menu when you place an order for the Avast ATO Deluxe I/O.
With Avast’s new device you are not only using your controller to precisely replace evaporated water but the Avast ATO I/O also reports back the water level to your controller, making for the easiest installation of a water level switch if you already own an aquarium controller. [Avast Marine]