Recently, Google enabled a feature which allows image searches to be filtered based on type including animated GIFs. Naturally we set off to see what kind of cool moving GIFs existed to show cool scenes of aquariums, fish and related marine life. For a medium that’s been around since the dawn of the internet, it’s crazy cool to see GIFs not only making a comeback, but taking over some areas.
Pictures and videos already dominate the way that we share our love for the ocean, reefs, corals and fish but animated GIFs show us something more, something distinct. In just a few short seconds a GIF can show you a big fish eating a little fish; for some this is a neat display and for others the explosion of the predator’s mouthparts are incredibly fascinating. We hope you like our small sampling of cool animated GIFs, let us know which one is your favorite and definitely share in the comments if you come up with some other noteworthy examples.