PIJAC, the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council is an important group doing very valuable work for the pet and aquarium industry. Whether you are a fish store owner, aquarium maintenance tech, and no matter if your “involvement” in the aquarium industry consists of popping into the fish store now and then, PIJAC is fighting for us, for the future of our livelihoods but most of all, for the future of the aquarium hobby as we know it.
We are all for the protection, conservation and general good, sustainable stewardship of our natural resources, including rivers and streams, beaches and coral reefs. But for every hundred voices fighting to save the manatees, the whales and the sea turtles, there are dozens of these voices who would gladly see our love, our passion for aquariums completely shut down because we are pictured as part of the problem, not as the part of the solution that we strive to be.
PIJAC is a rare voice that speaks for us, when HR 669 threatens to shut down the modern LFS, when Hawaii threatens to shut down collections and now when the US Fish & Wildlife service is evaluating the listing of threatened and endangered coral species. These threats are very real, and with increasing pressures on natural resources extremist eco-activists always want to lump the aquarium industry with the bath water, not realizing that we are very much doing our part to bring long lasting solutions to the resources and natural places that we enjoy.
Eric Camaano of Route 66 Marine had this to say:
“PIJAC represents a unified and unbiased connection to everyone involved in the Aquarium Industry. PIJAC has demonstrated their importance as the resource for information and support. This is significant for us and many others who do not have the time and resources to litigate the potential threats to our industry. We encourage everyone to demonstrate their passion for this industry by unifying together in support The Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council.”
and Kevin Kohen, LiveAquaria.com Director added:
“PIJAC is incredibly important to the Pet Industry and especially important to the Marine Aquarium Industry. Drs. Foster and Smith are staunch supporters of PIJAC, and are proud to be a member. PIJAC is comprised of professionals who are advocates for animal care and environmental stewardship initiatives.
I strongly encourage everyone, from aquarium enthusiasts to public aquaria, and all of us who make our livelihoods in the marine ornamentals trade to lend your financial support to PIJAC so that we have a unified voice and proper representation. By doing so we can help to achieve a viable and sustainable marine aquarium trade for many years to come, while helping to ensure proper management of our coral reefs and marine habitats which so people around the globe rely on for sustenance.”
Progressive aquarium companies like Quality Marine, Sea Dwelling Creatures and Reef Builders also proudly count themselves among the paying members of PIJAC, and for very good reason. It’s all well and good to send PIJAC warm fuzzy thoughts of support and encouragements but feelings make for poor artillery in the courtroom. PIJAC needs to be armed with the best consultants, the real deal legal council and marketing dollars to do its job in the town halls, the FWS meetings and in Washington.
If you are a business in the aquarium industry in any capacity, becoming a PIJAC member will be a small investment in your own future, to buy, sell and build all things related to aquariums in the a thriving hobby-industry that we all know and love. Furthermore, If you are a hobbyist, please consider supporting PIJAC with a small contribution and remember to support businesses that are PIJAC members. [PIJAC]