MACNA may be best known for the release of new products but there’s always some jaw-dropping livestock. This year we’ll all be treated to our first look at a little known and hyper rare species of hawkfish from the South Pacific, the Nisus hawkfish, Paracirrhites nisus. Another gem that will be on display on Florida is a super rare PINK maxima clam.
The man with the lock on all this South Pacific goodness is Dr. Mac, the frontman of Pacific East Aquaculture, who will be displaying some rarely seen fish along with a giant crop of giant clams at his MACNA booth. Th hawkfish is particularly special, looking more or less like the never seen Nisus hawkfish but with a bright orange patch of color which has led to it being called the “flame tailed” hawkfish.
Whetehr the flame tail hawkfish is a true Nisus hawkfish, a supermale of the species or something entirely different we don;t know, but we do know that we’ll all get our first look at this exotic hawkfish this weekend. That and a giant field of clams which Pacific East Aquaculture will be blowing out at impossible prices: $75 each or three for $180 for 2-3 inch, 3.5-4 inch will be $100 each or three for $250. But that special pink maxima will go for a top shelf price, you’ll have to finagle that deal in person.
Check out the whole lineup of Polynesian Fish that PEA is flaunting online, some of which will also be on display in Florida this weekend.