The ReefLink is Ecotech Marine’s big push to expanding controllability of their wireless products, the Radion LED lights and the Vortech pumps. While the Radions are the first to enjoy the cloud based control, the Vortech pumps will also benefit from the dynamic programming of the water flow they produce, as evidenced by this image of the Ecosmart Live platform showing a degree of development in bringing the Vortechs into the cloud.
The more light corals have the more flow they need, and with Radions already being cloud controlled it’ll be synergistic to get the Vortech pumps to deliver higher flow speeds precisely when the Radion is programmed to hit peak values. Some other cool features we look forward to is a periodic stormy mode to kick up all the detritus once a day or once a week, and get all that crap into the filters.
Ecotech Marine is shooting for a winter time release of ReefLink control of the Vortech pumps. Even if a great degree of control and programming is available through the Ecosmart controller, and/or in the Apex softwares, the ReefLink implementation is expected to be extremely accessible for even novice users to program some sophisticated flow profiles in the future.