When you first hear about the iDive underwater iPad case, the notion of taking your computer tablet underwater seems superfluous to many of us. But for the divers in the room, being able to use the iDive to do some computing underwater is incredibly useful.
Being able to take your ID guides underwater, follow underwater maps that track you as you swim underwater and logging dives in real time are some of the obvious benefits. But if you like to dive deeper and are familiar with lengthy decompression stops, an iDive may be indispensable underwater while off-gassing the nitrogen.
Unlike many waterproofing cases, the iDive is actually more of a pressure-equalizing case that allows divers to use their tablet underwater, and it’s been tested as far down as 100 feet (30m). A little canister of compressed gas is connected to the iDive case and it automatically equilibrates the pressure inside the case whether you go up or down.
For the regular reefing folks the iDive may be a little overkill for general aquarium work, especially at $599 for a case, as much as well loaded iPad itself. However if you love deep dwelling fish and the divers who go get them, you can totally pictures the Greenes and the Kimuras of the world working on their Angry Birds high score as they decompress with a pail full of peppermint angelfish or kiri triggerfish.