Aquarium soap is a new one on us and a new company called Reef Suds is aiming to make hand washing a thing before working on the tank. As lifelong aquarists, we have just taken it as a given to not wash our hands before working on aquariums or related project, especially not with soap. The most we’ve grown accustomed to doing is an aggressive warm water rinse and a thorough wipe off with a towel.
reef Suds is an aquarium soap that was specially designed to clean up your nasty mitts before putting them in the water. Reef Suds is all natural with no additives, artificial colors, or fragrances, instead relying on coarse salt exfoliants to get your hands clean. What better than salt to clean your hands in preparation for doing some saltwater aquarium work, right?
The aquarium soap made by Reef Suds is guaranteed not to affect your tank’s sensitive animals and to be pH neutral. A single bar of Reef Suds goes for $9 with a current sale price of $6.75 and better yet, a dollar from each bar goes to the Coral Restoration Foundation. Clearly Reef Suds has undertaken this aquarium and reef safe soap project as a curiosity, not a real money making venture but who knows, maybe washing your hands before working on the reef tank may become commonplace in the future, we’re definitely down to try. [Reef Suds]