Sometimes all it takes is one perfect picture to relay the absolute beauty of a rare fish or an exotic coral, and this Mycedium embodies that notion all the way. Shared by SA Coralfarm, this fiery eyed is in a completely different league than any we have seen or seen pictures of before. Despite the heavy handed use of blue lighting, it’s clear to see that even with some mental white balancing this is one Mycedium with an incredible degree of color organized into a mind-numbing pattern.
We realize that the image is heavily blue-saturated but it’s pretty clear that those oral discs with orange ringed in green and then black are completely off the hook. We reached out to SA Coralfarm for comment and they confirmed that while the body coloration is more os a pistachio blue-green the ‘eyes’ of this Mycedium will stop you in your tracks.
We have confirmed that this “Space Invader” “Gobstopper” or whatever it’ll be called Mycedium will be headed towards the US. Hopefully this coral makes to AMerica in good shape because there’s not too many Mycedium that can steal the show but this one absolutely takes the cake.