The Hammer Cube is a masterpiece created by a reefer named Andrew who is located down below in Australia. He decided that with this new 60 gallon (24″) cube, he wanted to take his love affair with Euphyllia ancora to the next level by creating a reef tank that was setup with the sole purpose of keeping as many of them as possible (along with a few other corals).
The reef aquarium hobby is dominated with an endless amount of beautiful coral that comes in every shape, color and size. For that reason, it’s rather uncommon to see a tank that is dominated with a single species of coral as most people prefer to try their luck with a mixed reef.
As you can see from the photo above, the tank is home to over a dozen different euphyllia corals, with colors ranging from toxic green, to orange, purple and magenta. And from what we can tell, Andrew has succeeded in assembling only species of Euphyllia ancora in his hammer coral mountain, with not a single branching Euphyllia parancora to be seen in the bunch.
We’ve always advocated for the use of species coral tanks because it’s so much easier to provide an aquarium environment that is suitable for one type or group of corals, versus trying to provide a baseline environment for a broad group of corals and fish. Andrew’s reef prioritizes the health of his precious hammer corals and the resulting mountain of Euphyllia ancora is well worth the specialized coral aquarium they’ve been placed in.