RANN is Coral-Shop’s clever new take on keeping aquariums healthy and low of nutrients using a combination of familiar nitrate exporting techniques. The RANN system consists of three parts, CS NitraClean which is a bacterial food & supplement, ANN 905 BioCat which is an inoculated biological substrate and the Innoculation chamber for holding and tumbling the BioCat.
Already we can see the essence of biopellets and a reactor in the works, not to mention a questionable tendency for Coral Shop to use a naming convention which is challenging to recall. Whereas a method of using biopellets relies on the pellets themselves to provide both the surface and the sustenance for the growth of bacteria, the RANN system appears to decouple the two mechanisms.
In the RANN system the bio-pellets are inoculated with beneficial microbes like Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter, and CS NitraClean is the liquid carbon additive that fuels the growth of bacteria. Meanwhile, the inoculation chamber is simply Coral Shop’s unique take on a biopellet reactor and finely tuned for the granules that make up the foundation of this slightly modified biopellet and liquid carbon dosing system.
While the bacteria cultured with Coral Shop’s RANN system will assimilate nutrients and nitrates, like with biopellet use it takes some form of physical export like mechanical filtration or more likely protein skimming to actually export the nutrients bound by the bacterial mass. With so many competing methodologies for exporting nitrates and nutrients, we’re curious as to how Coral Shop arrived at this hybrid nitrate reducing method and we look forward to seeing how this approach works for reefers. [Coral-Shop]