We first saw the Sicce ADV internal filter at Aquarama in Singapore but versions of this filter have been OEM’d for other companies for years. Sicce’s nifty Shark ADV internal filter has already been an attention grabber for using magnets to stack their filtration segments, but a new trick could add to their allure. Now that Sicce is marketing the Shark themselves, they are ready to turn it into the first internal media-reactor-filter on the market.
With their top mounted water pump pulling water through the bottom of the Shark filter, a simple modification allows the upwelling water flow to tumble biopellets or GFO and to have a secondary chamber above or below the media. You could use an additional filter chamber before biopellets to keep them nice and clean, reducing the number of critters snacking on the biofilm or you could use a filter chamber after carbon or GFO media to prevent the lightly buoyant particles from getting into the water pump.
Heck, depending on the model you might be able to stack GFO before biopellets and get both medias bio-reacting in a single filter! For now Sicce’s “only” been demoing the Shark ADV filter at trade shows running various medias using some simple modifications but we hope an engineered insert will be available as an add-on or bundled with the Sicce internal filters in the future. [Sicce]