The new diaphragm water pump that Avast Marine has just revealed is the beefiest in the genre we have seen to date. Not since Innovative Marine’s Hydrofill ATO pump have we seen a diaphragm water pump with such high pressure and long distance pumping abilities. The Avast Marine Diaphragm ATO Pump may only be able to pump 24liters, 5 gallons per hour but it’ll still deliver some amount of water to a height of 130 feet!
With a maximum rating of 60 PSI, the Avast Diaphragm pump is powerful enough to pump up a couple stories meaning that your top off reservoir for making up evaporated water can be located far from your actual display tank or sump. This diaphragm water pump might even be strong enough to drive the sprinkler attachment that drives the Two Little Fishies KW300 simplified Kalkwasser reactor.
The great thing about diaphragm water pumps is that they are capable of running dry, something we don’t really need for general aquarium applications but which is exceptionally useful for top off situations where the reservoir may frequently become emptied and exposing whatever pump in use to run-dry conditions. Furthermore the Avast Diaphragm ATO pump is 12v so it is additionally safe to use around water.
A maximum power consumption of 4 watts, one year warranty and this beast of a low-volume water mover is an astounding $44.99 which more or less makes it the ATO pump to beat. [Avast Marine]