EcoSmart is a very well known name and trademark in the marine aquarium world but it’s not in a Reverse Osmosis filter. Ecotech Marine’s EcoSmart wireless drivers of Vortech pumps has been powering reef tans as far back as February 2010. Meanwhile, EcoSmart Live has been cloud-controlling Radion LED lights for at least 48 months.
The EcoSmart brand name has been heavily used and marketed for so long, but apparently IceCap made the gross error of calling their new reverse osmosis unit the EcoSmart as well. Perhaps IceCap didn’t get the memo during its absence from the marine aquarium industry since it was shuttered just under four years ago, or maybe it didn’t feel it was infringing the trademark with a water purifying device.
We don’t endorse litigation when there are others avenues of recourse to resolve a misunderstanding but we don’t expect Ecotech Marine is going to take this issue lying down. The IceCap RO/DI has a lot of cool features going for it but from where we’re sitting, it definitely needs a different name before it goes to market.