A little over two years ago, we learned Google, in conjunction with Catlin Seaview Survey, had the ambitious plan to map the Great Barrier Reef and allow anyone to take a “Street View” look at this majestic location. Last week, Catlin Seaview announced the complete visual and data record from its GBR expeditions were now available to anyone to use through the Catlin Global Reef Record.
Accumulating over 100,000 images from 32 locations, scientists from the Global Change Institute (GCI) at The University of Queensland, developed this incredible library of information and unique visual record of the Great Barrier Reef that even includes 360-degree images accurately geo-tagged with GPS locations. Now to celebrate the publication of the full database, the full imagery has been released in Google Maps Street View. Additionally they will also begin the first re-survey of areas included in the baseline survey starting this month. So leave your mask and snorkel at home and point your mouse through the GBR!