The incredible work done by Coral Morphologic’s Colin Foord and Jared McKay has been captured in a two-part video series titled “Coral City” by John McSwain on Vice Magazine’s “The Creators Project” series. The videos show how the two are using a unique blend of science and art to create more awareness of the plight corals are facing after the impact humanity is having on their ecosystems. From unique artwork installations around Miami to successfully helping bring an end to David Beckham’s proposal to fill the former port of Miami’s waters with concrete to build a soccer stadium and a huge battles against local, state and federal governments to rescue corals that were set to be destroyed by the Army Corp of Engineers’ dredging project.
As McSwain puts it, “Their narrative quickly shifted from artists to activists and their story continues to span across both, freely. Their art and their actions work in tandem, they are two parts of a multi-faceted campaign to study, revive, defend, document, catalog, and preserve Miami’s native corals. At the same time new reports were being released indicating that what we know about climate change and sea level rise may not have been the whole story.”
[via The Creators Project]