Thanks to this lovely, lengthy study on the variations of Paracentropyge venusta, we know that there is an interesting degree of variation of color in the purple masked angelfish. The video we are sharing with you today is a quickie but it is notable both for showing the beautiful high-yellow form of the purple masked angelfish, as well as being shot in a high frame rate.
You’ve probably heard a lot about new video resolutions like 4K and 3D but higher frame rates alone can make for some very compelling fish videos. The current “standard” frame rate for online videos is either 24 or 30 frames per second but with increases in cameras able to shoot in higher frame rate, video hosting services are now also allowing higher frame rates to be uploaded and shared.
This is the first video of an aquarium we’ve seen in 48 or 60 frames per second and the result is quite nice, it doesn’t hurt that it also happens to show a very cute, high-yellow purple masked angelfish. This example of high yellow P. venusta has very well defined yellow region which completely colors at least three of its dorsal spines very well, a very rare feature in this species compared to the “typical” purple masked angelfish that only have the slightest touch of yellow at the base of the first few dorsal spines.